
日本 生け花


the subway station which looks like a maze...
almost get fainted!

F.O.C entrance ticket
(taken from the school office)
a japanese language essay is needed as pay back

 real flowers with artificial colours

 love this red & white flower ball
 this looks familiar!!!!!! 

 this is classic! 

 looks like salad in the bowl?!
but i love this art work ALOT!!
 candies ~~ <3!
 old lady sketching

TAKASHIMAYA TOKYO(The shopping mall i mean)

since, we've came to japan & there's free entrance tickets 4 us to enter...
why not just go have a look & understand Japanese culture, instead of staying @ home & grow mushroom?!

well.... it took us quite some hard work 2 find out how 2 get to the venue...
2 me... it's really a problem figuring out which subway from which company to take, how much to pay for the tickets~~>.<
how long do i need to get used to all these like those Japanese?!
is it possible for me to figure it out within this coming 5 years??

try have a look @ this link!! this is where the flower arrangement exhibition were held~
it's actually a shopping complex.... a VERY HIGH CLASS shopping complex...
things sold were very very very very attractive!!!!
BUT~~~~~ EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!

the flower exhibition was great~~~<3
i love the art work.. ALOT!!!
they were really amazing!!! each of them were some1 else hard work...

what i love the most is....
******THE FLOWER SCENT****** 
the REFRESHING flower scent diffuse through the exhibition hall..
it makes me feel that i'm back to the nature in this busy city~~


what's this?!

okay!! guyz~~~here's a question for you....

i bought this little thing at 198¥ from the supermarket~~

at my 1st impression, this is a tiny little bottle of cooking oil~~~
then i start cooking with this....(which is assumed as cooking oil)

then i started 2 tell my room mate that we might need a bottle of sesame oil{麻油} ..( & we planned to go 2 get a bottle of it after school)

out of the sudden, she cried out n asked what was this and i confidently told her that "COOKING OIL larr~~ or else what u think"

she starts to explain and in the end of the day, we have not need to buy any sesame oil anymore...
instead, i have to get myself a bottle of cooking oil tomorrow...

so guyz... guess what's this?? XDXDXDXD

it's a need to put more effort in my Japanese Language from 2day onward....

what a day!!!!!!!!!!

dinner made by using the rice cooker!!
2day's menu was fish & rice with egg!!
we went to 2 interesting places 2day~~called ----harajuku"原宿”&shibuya "渋谷
we took the train(山手線) from 巣鴨station to the 原宿station..
it cost 160 ¥ per ticket...
harajuku is PACKED with youngsters with different kinds of fashion (which means... there's no guideline for the definition of fashion)
* PACK means... people stick 2gether from chest to back on that particular street!
lots of cute clothes, bags, shoes, "ting ting tang tang stuffs" are sold there!!

we walk down slowly from harajuku to shibuya  (distance of 1 train station)
shibuya is also a lively town... lots of people, lots of food, lots of things can be found there...
train took back from 渋谷station to 巣鴨station cost 190¥

after that, went back to my dormitory n made my dinner~~
it was the 3rd meal cooked by myself @ japan~~
wahaha~~~ i, myself felt quite proud with the product..( as my room mate says that its delicious)
n the both of us get high n became crazy while eating ~~ XD

well...i'm very very satisfied with my day!!! i get to step on the land that i never ever went~~
i get to do things i've never did 2day!!!
thanks 2 Eddie Ooi & Pau Lee~

okay~~i've done what i want
so after 2day... it's time to study hard!!!

p/s:  refer to the photos taken for further information.....
( photo's taken @ shibuya n harajuku will be posted later ^^)

good night world~~


my dormitory

 kitchen area
  small washroom
 my activity area
 our desk

the second floor of my room... 

well, this is my dormitory... the first step i came in, i was shock as it wasn't as big as i imagine all the while...
we have to make sure this tiny room is tidy from time to time....
so i start to switch over from being lazy ....

the 1st week away from house~~

    “商店街” so called the "老人街“  (the road which have to be walk by everyday )

    me & my roomate (pau lee) buying groceries on the way back from school

temple nearby

it has been a week away from home...
well... 2 be honest, its a very good opportunity to learn how 2 be independent~~
i can really feel the difference living without my family here...
i have the freedom to do whatever i want, but there's lots of things that i have learn to decide by myself and bear the consequences...
it's a really good learning experience i can say (based on a week that i came over with~~)

as i have no any transport~ i got to walk 2 school....
it about 2.4~2.5km from my house 2 school...
it takes me about 40 to 45 minutes to school by walking ( if i walk at a constant fast speed {which means...the fastest upon my limits})
its 2 train stations from my house to school..  "西巣鴨(my dormitory)>巣鴨>千石(school)"
to be honest... it's tiring to continue this walking process everyday~~~ but its just the beginning of everything... i have to think positively to persist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!